CLG maintains an ISO 9001/ API-6D/ APL-6A/ AP-600 quality management system with strong emphasis on the continual improvement of quality,enaineerina, manufactunng, and business related processes, The scope ofthis auality manacement svstem covers al processes directiy andindirectly related to the desian, manufacture, assembly, and testing of our products, Products included in that scope are: stainless steel, carbon steelspecial alloy, chrome, iron, and bronze valves.The quality management system also makes provision for the control of purchased component products,. which reguires that these suppliers alomaintain an ISO 9001 based quality system and the subseguent certification. It is the intent of the company to partner with its supply base in ordeto develop a strong and continwous relationship that is imperaive to the ouality,success, and future ofthe company Procurement of outsourcedprocesses and services that affect product conformity,such as, RT, T, PT, and calibration of measurement and test equipment, are also controlledin the same manner.

The procurement process is controlled by specific quidelines and procedures established in the company's quality manual, supporting tiers ofprocedures, and work instructions, The level of control exerted is dependent on the type of product or service, and the impact on the quality of thfinal products and services provided to our customer. There are procedures detaling criteria to determine the capability of suppliers, which includethe selection, evaluation, and re-evaluation of suppliers, Suppliers furishing vital materals and products are audited on a reawlar basis todetermine the adequacv of their quality system.

Please see below for our Certificate of Authority: